When most people begin running, they try to push themselves as hard as they can or as far as they can go in the shortest amount of time. They focus on speed and distance rather than building a strong foundation of endurance. Over time, it leads to burnout, preventable injuries, and a distaste for running.
The truth is, you have to go slower to go faster.
When you go slower, your body adapts to build the necessary endurance to push yourself further and faster in the long run. That’s where Zone 2 training comes into play.
Zone 2 training incorporated a lighter intensity to build aerobic capacity and stamina, making it a significant tool to optimize overall performance. In fact, elite athletes spend months base training in Zone 2 and then spend 75-80% of their active training in Zone 1 or 2.
“The bigger the base, the higher you can build,” said Rich Roll, ultra-endurance athlete and author of Finding Ultra. It means that the stronger your aerobic base, the further and faster you go.
In Zone 2, slow and steady wins the race, and it actually makes endurance activities like running more enjoyable. It may be hard at first, but once you’re accustomed to it, it makes endurance activities a lot easier.
Today, we’ll dive into what Zone 2 endurance training is, how it differs from other types of training, and how it benefits hybrid athletes in their pursuit of optimized performance.
What is Zone 2 Endurance Training
Zone 2 Endurance is a training concept that’s been used by elite endurance athletes for decades to improve performance. It involves training at a steady, moderate intensity level, usually around 60-70% of the athlete’s maximum heart rate, to build endurance and aerobic capacity.

This range allows the body to use fat as its primary source of fuel rather than carbohydrates, which is ideal for long-duration activities.
Zone 2 endurance training improves the body’s ability to oxidize body fat for energy due to the increased production of mitochondria, which are the energy-producing structures in the cells. Mitochondria help to convert body fat into energy, and they are produced when the body is exposed to consistent, moderate intensity exercise.
Lastly, this training only uses Type I, or slow-twitch muscle fibers muscle fibers, which are very resistant to fatigue compared to Type II or fast-twitch muscle fibers used for high-intensity exercises. This helps reduce the risk of overtraining and injury, making it perfect for athletes on a hybrid training regimen.
Why hybrid athletes should consider zone 2 training
If you’re a hybrid athlete looking to improve endurance while increasing your strength, incorporating Zone 2 endurance training into your training program is a requirement.
Here’s why you should consider Zone 2 training:
Enhanced cardiovascular fitness
Zone 2 training is a highly effective way to improve your cardiovascular fitness. By training within this heart rate range, you strengthen your heart and lungs, increasing your endurance and overall fitness levels. This translates to better performance across all the sports you engage in.
Increased efficiency
Zone 2 training teaches your body to utilize fat as its primary source of energy. This helps improve your metabolic efficiency, enabling you to sustain exercise for longer periods without feeling fatigued. As a hybrid athlete, this means you maintain a sustainable intensity across strength training and endurance activities without burning out.
Improved recovery
This is a low-impact training method that puts less stress on your joints and muscles. This allows for better recovery, reducing the risk of injuries and overtraining. As a hybrid athlete training in two or more disciplines, it’s essential to prioritize recovery to stay in top form.
Zone 2 training is highly adaptable and can be incorporated into various training modalities. Whether you’re running, swimming, cycling, or participating in team sports, Zone 2 training benefits all aspects of your performance. It helps build a strong foundation of endurance that is transferred to any sport.
Breaking performance plateaus
If you’re feeling stuck or experiencing a plateau in your performance, Zone 2 training may be the breakthrough you need. By challenging your aerobic system and building endurance, Zone 2 training will help you push through performance barriers and achieve new levels of success in your hybrid athlete training.
By incorporating Zone 2 endurance training into your hybrid athlete training program, you will improve your cardiovascular fitness and performance, boost recovery, and ultimately achieve your fitness goals. It’s a game-changer for hybrid athletes looking to excel across various disciplines.
Getting started with zone 2 endurance training
Here is a simple step-by-step guide to getting started with Zone 2 training as a hybrid athlete.
1. Determine your zone 2 heart rate
To begin, you’ll need to calculate your Zone 2 heart rate range. Zone 2 falls between 60% and 70% of your max heart rate (mHR).
To determine your maximum heart rate use the following formula: 220- Your Age.
For example, if you are 25 years old, your maximum heart rate is 195.
From there, multiply your mHR by 60% and 70% to find the lower and upper limits of your Zone 2 range.
If your max heart rate is 195, your Zone 2 range would have a lower limit of 114 and an upper limit of 133.
Keeping your heart rate in this range will ensure you’re training in Zone 2 and maximizing the benefits of this type of endurance-based training.
2. Choose your activities
Whether you prefer running, cycling, swimming, or participating in team sports, the key is to find activities that keep your heart rate within the Zone 2 range. Experiment with different exercises and find what works best for you.
3. Start slow and gradually increase duration
It’s important to ease into Zone 2 training, especially if you’re new to this type of endurance training. Begin with shorter workouts, such as 20-30 minutes, and gradually increase the duration over time. This will help your body adapt and prevent overexertion. Try to increase the mileage by no more than 10% each week.
4. Monitor your heart rate or use the talk test
To ensure you’re staying within the Zone 2 range, it’s helpful to use a heart rate monitor or smartwatch during your workouts. This will allow you to track your heart rate and make adjustments as needed.
Some examples include Garmin watches, a Garmin Heart Rate Monitor, the Coros Pace, or an Apple Watch. While all watches can help, heart rate monitors that strap to the chest tend to be the most accurate
If you don’t have a smartwatch or heart rate monitor, use the “talk test” to determine if you are in zone 2. While in zone 2, you should still be able to have a conversation without straining for breath. If you are struggling to speak, then you may be working too hard and need to decrease your intensity.
5. Prioritize consistency
Consistency is key when it comes to Zone 2 training. Aim to incorporate at least three Zone 2 workouts into your weekly routine to see significant improvements in your endurance and overZonefitness. Be patient and trust the process – results will come with time and dedication.
Time to take action as a VTLZR
Introducing zone 2 training into your fitness routine can have numerous benefits, including increased endurance, improved cardiovascular health, and better fat-burning abilities. It should be the central focus for hybrid athletes conquering endurance events.
Remember to listen to your body, monitor your heart rate, and stay consistent – trust us, it will pay off in the long run. Don’t be afraid to challenge yourself and push past your comfort zone – that’s where true growth happens.